Alfy K Nsamba

Jul 13, 20211 min

Uganda - A Safe Safari Destination

Uganda closed its boarders on the 21st March 2020 to try and curb the spread of the Corona Virus. The airport reopened on October 01st 2020 and international tourists have been free to visit Uganda on safari providing that they adhere to entry and exist COVID testing requirements as well as observing the mandated Standard Operating Procedures.

Although the number of tourists visiting Uganda is has been significantly reduced those who have visited Uganda continue to be impressed and reassured by the steps taken by the entire tourism supply chain ( Airlines, Hotels, Tour Operators & Activity Providers ) to ensure that guests are safe and secure at all time. Most tourist who have visited Uganda have commented positively at how safe they felt whilst on safari and how COVID-19 prevention measures were taken at all times.

We know that COVID -19 has made travelling more unpredictable and difficult to plan. For these reasons it is so great to hear from tourists who have visited or are currently in Uganda that the steps the tourism fraternity have taken try and keep this sector alive have been well received and are having the desired effect of making travellers feel safe with the country as they go on safari.

We look forward to welcoming more of you to Uganda in the near future and remind you to keep checking the Corona Virus Update page to get the latest information regarding COVID-19 procedures in and out of Uganda. Remember that all passengers must fill in a passenger locater form before you travel, below is a summary of the 8 step process that must be followed.
