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Uganda Scheduled Safaris

These Uganda Small Group Safaris enable you to see the very best that Uganda has to offer. Let's Go Travel run an 11 Day and an 8 Day small group safari once a month. ( please check the flyers for dates ). Once we have two people confirmed on a safari,  that departure is guaranteed. Have a look at the table at the bottom of the page to see which dates have guaranteed departures so far.

Uganda is famous for alot of wildlife, scenery and adventure attractions however, we are sure that despite all those breath-taking attractions it is The People of Uganda that make this country the wonderful destination that it is.

Scheduled Safari Flyers

Due to the change in Gorilla & Chimpanzee Permit Prices this year there are two sets of flyers per safari for the 2024 Scheduled Safaris and then looking ahead we have one set of flyers for the 2025 season!

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Scheduled Safaris 

April - December

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11 Day Uganda Small Group Safari

Day 1 - Entebbe Airport - Entebbe

Welcome to Uganda! On arrival, you will be met at the Airport by a Let's Go Travel representative who will escort you to your safari vehicle and will introduce you to your Driver who will also be your Guide. The first stop will be a short drive to your accommodation where you will be able to relax and contemplate the adventure that lies ahead.

Overnight at Papyrus Guest House | Bed and Breakfas

Day 2 - Entebbe - Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary - Murchison Falls N.P

Morning - Your trip to your final destination of  Murchison Falls National Park, begins with a drive from Entebbe travelling north to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary which will be the first scheduled stop. The journey will see you leave the traditional Buganda Kingdom located in the central region of Uganda and move into the area the Bunyoro Kingdom call home with in the north west region. 

Lunch en route

Afternoon - After an amazing first morning it will be time to continue to Murchison Falls National Park. The Park is split into its northern and southern sectors by The Nile that runs east to west through the Park. The majority of visitors access the park from the south and have to cross over to the north at the Paraa Ferry Crossing point using a regular vehicle ferry. On the north bank of the river, networks of game tracks explore the Buligi sector in the west and Chobe in the east.

Overnight at Pakuba Safari Lodge (Half board)

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Day 3 - Murchison Falls National Park

Morning - Game drives in Murchison Falls are incredible. The park is home to all of the Big 5 with the exception of the rhino. Also, resident are the hippo, buffalo, giraffe as well as several antelope and monkey species. Most of the game viewing is done around the Buligi Game tracks in the northern sector of the park. The park also boasts the Nile - Lake Albert Delta which is home to a large number of birds including African fish eagles and the rare shoebill storks.

Lunch at your lodge.

Afternoon - After lunch, it will be time for a boat ride along the Nile to the foot of Murchison Falls, be sure to have your cameras ready for this one. Expect to see birds perched on tree branches ready to hunt, mammals drinking or cooling down in the river and reptiles basking in the sun on the river banks. One of the highlights of the boat ride is getting up close to Murchison Falls itself.

Overnight at Pakuba Safari Lodge I Full board 


Day 4 - Murchison Falls National Park - Kibale Forest National Park

Today is effectively a transfer day to taking you south from Murchison to Kibale. There will be lunch on the way and you will arrive in Kibale in the early evening ready for your adventures in Kibale Forest.

Overnight at Kibale Guest Cottages | Full board

Day 5 - Kibale Forest National Park

Morning - Your Chimpanzee Trekking experience has finally arrived! It begins at the Uganda Wildlife Authority HQ at Kayanchu Gate where your trekking group will head into the forest with a guide after a short briefing. About 1 hour before your group sets off an advance party of guides will have entered the forest to locate where the Chimpanzees spent the night. Once located the advance party send a radio message back to your trekking group so that you can navigate through the forest.

Packed Lunch.

Afternoon - The Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is a part of the Magombe Swamp just south of Kibale National Park. A visit to the sanctuary enables you to see rare mammals and birds, like the webbed feet sitatunga as the great blue turaco call this place home. The Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is a community-based programme that supports local residents and encourages a healthy link between tourism and the community it affects.

Overnight at Kibale Guest Cottages | Full board

Day 6 - Kibale N.P - Queen Elizabeth N.P

Morning - The excitement of Chimpanzee Trekking will probably still be with you as the safari continues to Queen Elizabeth National Park in the afternoon. Entry will be via the northern sector famous for the Kasenyi Plains and Kazinga Chanel. 

Lunch en route

Afternoon - One of the highlights of visiting Queen Elizabeth National Park is the boat ride along the Kazinga Channel. The boat ride is a round trip beginning at the Mweya Peninsula and lasting around 3 hours. The Channel is a 32-kilometre long natural channel that links Lake Edward and Lake George. The channel has one of the world's largest concentration of hippos, numerous Nile crocodiles, buffalo, elephants and a whole host of birds. including African fish eagles, kingfishers, Herons, storks and skimmers.

Overnight at Parkview Safari Lodge | Full Board

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Day 7 - Queen Elizabeth N.P - Ishasha Sector

Morning - The day will begin with a game drive in Kasenyi sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park is a great place to see view differing landscape and ecosystems in Uganda.This game drive will take place on the Kasenyi Plains which are in the north-east section of the park and but west of Lake George.

Lunch at the lodge

Afternoon - Transfer from the North Eastern sector of the park to the Southern sector also known as the Ishasha sector. A game drive in the Ishasha sector gives you a chance to see the famous tree climbing lions that can be seen hanging out of large fig trees. No one really knows why lions in this area climb trees but there are many theories surrounding this behaviour.

Overnight at Enjojo Lodge | Full board

Day 8 - Ishasha Sector - Bwindi N.P - Buhoma Sector

Morning - With the Kazinga Channel and the Game drives ticked off your list, It will be time to leave Queen Elizabeth National Park and continue your journey towards Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and the Gorillas, where the adventure of a lifetime awaits you! This section of the safari will see you enter the traditional area of Kigezi Kingdom which is the southernmost Kingdom on Uganda.

Lunch at your lodge

Overnight at Mahogany Springs Lodge | Full board 

Day 9 - Bwindi N.P - Buhoma Sector

All day - Your Gorilla Trekking experience is finally here, hope your camera is charged and you are ready for what lies ahead. An early start will see you transfer to the Park Headquarters for a briefing with the Uganda Wildlife Authority guides. An advance party of guides will have gone ahead into the forest to locate where the gorillas slept the previous night and will have begun to track their movements. These guides will communicate with your team via a walkie-talkie and the trek into the forest will begin.

Packed Lunch

Evening - At Let’s Go Travel we try and support the communities that we interact with as part of the business we run, with a view to minimising the impact we have on communities as well as ensuring that they too benefit from our operations. One such community in the Buhoma area of Bwindi is called Ride 4 a Woman. You will get to visit these incredible women and learn more about their story.

Overnight at Mahogany Springs Lodge | Full board 

Day 10 - Bwindi N.P - Lake Mburo N. P

Morning - With your Gorilla Trekking experience still a vivid memory, it is time to leave the Gorillas and the Kigezi Kingdom all behind and head towards Lake Mburo National Park and into the heartland of the Ankole Kingdom. The drive is one of the most scenic in Uganda as you transition between the Impenetrable forest and into the Ankole grasslands, where the famous long-horned Ankole cattle graze.

Lunch en route

Afternoon - One of the best activities to do in Lake Mburo is a scenic boat ride on the lake. This is one of the best ways to see the diverse wildlife that the Park has. The boat ride can be done at dawn or dusk depending on your safari itinerary and will normally take around 2 hours. Lake Mburo is also famous for its bird life, from majestic fish eagles, colourful kingfishers, to hammerkops and their enormous nests

Overnight at Rwakobo Rock | Full board 

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Day 11 Lake Mburo National Park - Entebbe Airport

Morning - The first activity will be a  Game drive. The park has a such a large variety of wildlife in comparisson to it's small size. The park is home to Leopards, antelopes and Rothschild's giraffe have recently been reintroduced. However, the highlights of the park have to be the Burchell's zebra and eland which are only found in two National Parks in Uganda. 

Lunch - en-route

Afternoon - After an incredible safari, it will be time to head back. During this final leg of the trip, you will leave the Ankole Kingdom and head back into the Buganda Kingdom, heading eastwards towards Entebbe. There are not many places in the world that have the wide range of wildlife, nature and culture. 

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8 Day Uganda Small Group Safari

Day 1 - Entebbe Airport - Entebbe

Welcome to Uganda! On arrival, you will be met at the Airport by a Let's Go Travel representative who will escort you to your safari vehicle and will introduce you to your Driver who will also be your Guide. The first stop will be a short drive to your accommodation where you will be able to relax and contemplate the adventure that lies ahead.

Overnight at Papyrus Guest House | Bed and Breakfas

Day 2 - Lake Mburo National Park

Morning - Your Ugandan safari adventure begins in earnest with a trip to Lake Mburo National Park. You will head west on a scenic drive towards the heartland of the Ankole Kingdom. The drive is one of the most scenic in Uganda as you transition out of the suburbs of the city and into open marsh and the grasslands, where the famous long horned Ankole cattle graze.

Lunch at your lodge

Afternoon - One of the best activities to do in Lake Mburo is a scenic boat ride on the lake. This is one of the best ways to see the diverse wildlife that the Park has. The boat ride can be done at dawn or dusk depending on your safari itinerary and will normally take around 2 hours. All the rides begin at the Rwonyo jetty, it will not take you long before you begin to see large groups of hippos in the water as well as crocodiles and buffalo lining the banks of the lake. The lake is also famous for its bird life, from majestic fish eagles, colourful kingfishers, to hammerkops and their enormous nests.

Overnight at Rwakobo Rock | Full board 

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Day 3 - Lake Mburo N.P - Bwindi Impenetrable Forest 

Morning - The day will start with a Game drive. Lake Mburo has a large variety of antelopes and Rothschild's giraffe have recently been reintroduced. However, the highlights of the park have to be the Burchell's zebra and eland which are only found in two National Parks in Uganda.

Lunch en route

Afternoon -  The safari will continue westwards leaving the Ankole Kingdom, heading towards Bwindi and the Kigezi Kingdom, home of the remarkable mountain gorillas.

Overnight at Mahogany Springs Lodge | Full board

Day 4 - Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

All day - Your Gorilla Trekking experience is finally here, hope your camera is charged and you are ready for what lies ahead. An early start will see you transfer to the Park Headquarters for a briefing with the Uganda Wildlife Authority guides. An advance party of guides will have gone ahead into the forest to locate where the gorillas slept the previous night and will have begun to track their movements. These guides will communicate with your team via a walkie-talkie and the trek into the forest will begin.

Packed Lunch

Evening - At Let’s Go Travel we try and support the communities that we interact with as part of the business we run, with a view to minimising the impact we have on communities as well as ensuring that they too benefit from our operations. One such community in the Buhoma area of Bwindi is called Ride 4 a Woman. You will get to visit these incredible women and learn more about their story.

Overnight at Mahogany Springs Lodge | Full board 

Day 5 - Bwindi - Queen Elizabeth National Park 

Morning - With your Gorilla Trekking experience still fresh in your memory it will be time to head north to Queen Elizabeth National Park.  Entry to the Park will be via its southern sector also known as the Ishasha Sector, home to the famous Tree Climbing Lions. After a game drive in search of them you will continue to your lodge for lunch.

Lunc at your lodge

Afternoon - 

Overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge | Full Board


Day 6 - Queen Elizabeth National Park

Morning - The first activity will be a game drive. Queen Elizabeth is home to both Lion and Leopard as well as Uganda Kob, Elephant, Hippo and Buffalo. 

Lunch at your lodge

Afternoon - One of the highlights of visiting Queen Elizabeth National Park is the boat ride along the Kazinga Channel. The boat ride is a round trip beginning at the Mweya Peninsula and lasting around 3 hours. The Channel is a 32-kilometre long natural channel that links Lake Edward and Lake George. The channel has one of the world's largest concentration of hippos, numerous Nile crocodiles, buffalo, elephants and a whole host of birds. including African fish eagles, kingfishers, Herons, storks and skimmers.

Overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge | Full Board

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Day 7 - Queen Elizabeth N.P - Kibale Forest National Park 

Morning - With your Gorilla Trekking experience still fresh in your memory it will be time to head north to Queen Elizabeth National Park.  Entry to the Park will be via its southern sector also known as the Ishasha Sector, home to the famous Tree Climbing Lions. After a game drive in search of them you will continue to your lodge for lunch.

Lunc at your lodge

Afternoon - The afternoon activity will be a walk through the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary which is part of the Magombe Swamp just south of Kibale National Park. A visit to the sanctuary enables you to see rare mammals and birds, like the webbed feet sitatunga, the great blue turaco as well as Colobus and De Brazza monkeys. The Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is a community-based programme that supports local residents and encourages a healthy link between tourism and the community it affects.

Overnight at Kibale Guest Cottages | Full Board

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Day 8 - Kibale Forest - Entebbe

Morning - Your Chimpanzee Trekking experience has finally arrived! It begins at the Uganda Wildlife Authority HQ at Kayanchu Gate where your trekking group will head into the forest with a guide after a short briefing. About 1 hour before your group sets off an advance party of guides will have entered the forest to locate where the Chimpanzees spent the night. Once located the advance party send a radio message back to your trekking group so that you can navigate through the forest.

Lunch en route

Afternoon - After an exhilarating experience with the chimpanzees you will begin your return trip to Entebbe. The journey will see you leave the Kibale Forest National Park in the Tooro Kingdom and head eastwards back to the Buganda Kingdom, all the way back to Entebbe.

Current Uganda small group safari bookings

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