Mount Elgon National Park
The Worlds Largest Caldera
Mount Elgon National Park
Located in Eastern Uganda on the Uganda-Kenya border Mount Elgon is the oldest and largest solitary, volcanic mountain in East Africa. At 4,000km, Mt. Elgon has the largest volcanic base in the world with an 80km in diameter, There are 3 main hiking trails that can be used to summit the mountain at Wagagai Peak. Many hikers are keen to climb Mount Elgon as you don't need any special equipment to reach the top. But once you get to the top, remember to spend some time exploring the vast 40km² caldera.
Mount Elgon National Park is home to over 300 species of birds, including the endangered Lammergeyer.
Mount Elgon National Park Activities
Park Trails
Bird Watching
Coming Soon
Mount Elgon National Park has some very interesting Day Trails for visitors who are not staying long enough to camp and climb the mountain itself.
1 - A, 7 Km trails to Kapkwai Cave, traversing through tropical and bamboo forest which are full of primates, birds and rare trees like Elgon Teak and Elgon olive.
2 - A, 5 Km walk to Chebonet Falls followed by a 3 Km walk to Kapkwai Cave. The return trails follows the ridge which will give you an amazing view of the forest below.
3 - An, 11Km hike to Tutum Cave with the option of camping or heading back to UWA HQ at the Explorations Centre
4 - In Budaduri which is the other side of Mount Elgon to Sipi Falls there are also a few Day Hikes to Mudagi Cliffs, Sasa River Camp or Drigana Falls
2 -
Sipi River Trail
Day 1 - Kapkwai - Tutum Cave
Day 2 - Tutum Cave - Kajeri Camp
Day 3 - Kajeri Camp - Mude Cave Camp
Day 4 - Mude Cave Camp - Wagagai Peak - Mude Cave Camp
Day 5 - Mude Cave Camp - Budadiri Towm
Piswa River Trail
Day 1 - Kapwata - Piwsa Hut
Day 2 - Piswa Hut - Hunters Cave
Day 3 - Hunters Cave - Wagagai Peak - Mude Cave
Day 4 - Mude Cave Camp - Budadiri Town
Sasa River Trail
Day 1 - Budadiri Town - Sasa River Camp​
Day 2 - Sasa River Camp - Mude Cave Camp
Day 3 - Mude Cave Camp - Wagagai Peak - Mude Cave
Day 4 - Mude Cave Camp - Budadiri Town