As the world tries to get back to a less regimented way of life many governments are trying to balance stopping the continual spread of COVID - 19 with the easing of restrictions that have been put in place. This means that the procedures that govern the entry and exit of passengers into countries will continue to change for the foreseeable future. Remember to keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 procedures by clicking the button below. There are also a set of FAQs accompanying this latest announcement that can be downloaded below.
The Government of the Republic of Uganda has issued the following directives effective October
27, 2021 until further notice on COVID-19 health measures at Entebbe International Airport.
1. All arriving passengers at Entebbe International Airport will be subjected to COVID-19 test,
regardless of country of origin or vaccination status.
2. The only exemptions are;
i. Children below 6 years
ii. Airline crew with evidence of full COVID-19 vaccination.
3. Passengers who test positive for COVID-19 on arrival will be provided psychological support
and transferred to the gazetted public and private treatment facilities where they will be managed for 7 days and discharged on a negative PCR test.
4. The treatment for passengers in (3) above will be free in the Public Hospitals. However, Passengers who opt for Private Hospitals will meet their costs.
5. In the case of arriving tourists, if they are asymptomatic or with mild disease, they will be managed in the designated tourists Hotels.
6. The tourists in (5) above who progress to severe disease will be transferred to the hospitals of
their choice.
7. Arriving passengers will pay USD 30 or the equivalent in Uganda Shillings for the COVID-19 PCR test.
8. The Payments in (7) above may be done online or on arrival using Point Of Sales machines,
mobile money or cash.
9. All travellers whose body temperature is NOT above 37.5° C (99.5°F), do not have a persistent
cough, difficulty in breathing or other flu-like symptoms shall be allowed to enter or depart
10. Entebbe International Airport Port Health shall approve for arrival or departure a negative COVID-19 PCR test certificate undertaken within 72 hours from the time of sample collection. This excludes transit time at the terminal building.
11. Travellers who have had COVID-19 vaccination and hold certificate must still present a negative COVID-19 PCR test certificate taken within 72 hours from the time of sample collection to boarding aircraft. This is because the vaccine is not 100% protective, and it also takes several days/weeks to begin protection.
12. Passengers travelling out of the country, will be required to have negative COVID-19 PCR test Certificate taken within 72 hours from the time of sample collection. They will abide by the health travel requirements of the destination country.
13. Passengers arriving in the curfew time, and/or from districts beyond Kampala with a valid Air Ticket and Boarding Pass shall be allowed to proceed to their hotels and/or residences.
14. Passengers departing in the curfew time, and/or from districts beyond Kampala with a valid air ticket shall be allowed to proceed to their destination airport by presentation of the passenger ticket to the authorities as evidence of going to the airport.
15. Drivers should have evidence that they have come from the Airport (such as Airport parking ticket or passenger ticket) to drop or pick-up passengers.
16. Air transportation of human remains into the country is allowed if the following conditions are fulfilled:
i. Medical Certificate of Cause of death.
ii. Post-mortem report or Comprehensive Medical Report from the attending doctor/health facility.
iii. Embalming certificate (including embalming certificate for death due to COVID-19).
iv. Copy of passport/identification document of the deceased (The original passport /travel document/identification document to be presented to immigration authorities);
v. Import license/import authorisation from the Director General of Health Services.
vi. Appropriate packaging – wrapped in a waterproof body bag then placed in a zinc lined coffin and an outer metal or wooden box.
vii. The document will be verified by port health and the casket on arrival shall be decontaminated by port health.
viii. The burial of bodies of COVID-19 victims will be conducted following the existing procedures for scientific burials.