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  • Writer's pictureAlfy K Nsamba

Statement on Ebola virus in Uganda

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

08/10/2022 - The Ministry of Health in Uganda has released another statement regarding the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak which can be found below. As soon as we get further updates, we will let you know. Let's Go Travel will continue to be vigilant whilst on safari to ensure that visitor and driver / guide safety are our number one priority.


05/10/2022 - The Ministry of Health in Uganda has confirmed an Ebola Virus outbreak in Mubende, Western Uganda. The World Health Organisation along with the Ministry of Health are working together to assess the situation and to contain the spread. The Ugandan Health Authorities have previously been successful in fighting Ebola in 2014, with the benefit of that experience and the surveillance infrastructure put in place for COVID-19 the Health Authorities are confident that they will be able to manage the situation. There has also been a swift and co-ordinated public sensitisation messaging that has been launched by the Ministry of Health so that people are aware of the symptoms and know what to do and who to contact if they begin to feel unwell.

Below is a statement from the Uganda Tourism Board regarding Ebola Virus:

Let's Go Travel is also taking steps on our safari itineraries minimise contact and expose to any situation that might put our visitors at risk. We would also like to remind our visitors to pay careful attention to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) Rangers Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking briefings. UWA already enforces strict distance guidelines to prevent close contact between humans and Gorillas / Chimpanzees. As a further safeguard during the recent pandemic, masks were introduced. These procedures are primarily to protect primates from human diseases but also, potentially, safeguard humans too. The health of Gorilla and Chimpanzee groups are also monitored frequently so, in the unlikely event of a change in the health of a Gorilla or Chimpanzee group, UWA will be quickly aware and visits to this group will be discontinued.

We will of course continue to keep you updated with all the developments and as ever if you have any questions, please get in touch by emailing


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